Monday, March 29, 2010

Young Adult Lit, How Do We Love Thee

I read an article recently that Oscar winner Diablo Cody, screenwriter of the hit film JUNO is penning a film called, YOUNG ADULT! I had a chuckle then a strange reaction when I realized after reading the description that the premise was not in fact about Young Adults--necessarily. It follows a thirty-something author who WRITES YA books. She returns to her hometown to chase the one that got away but also happens to be married! Gee--sure sounds like the story of my life but the play on the title to capitalize on the "hot" genre and the fact that it is being "fast-tracked" --that's Hollywood for "they want it out yesterday" tells me that they think the title alone will draw interest from potential fans of the genre.

And so, it got me to thinking. What ARE they thinking? Seems like it could've been a cute story regardless. The title for me is distracting. But maybe I'm too sensitive. I absolutely LOVED JUNO and I'll give this film a shot too--title aside.

What do you think? If you don't comment, we can't dialogue.



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