Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ask A Teen

What do you think about all the “teams” in YA book promotions lately? Team Edward/Team Jacob… Team Gale/Team Peeta (The Hunger Games series), etc.

A discussion followed that was insightful and thought-provoking. Here are some excerpts:

Caitlin, 7th grader: “Seems like you get people to buy books more, because you care about a character more.”

Jack, 9th grader: “Teams are a great marketing tool, but it’s also really annoying. It divides people unnecessarily.”

Becky, 9th grader: “Fan loyalty to one character over another is probably not going to change what the author is going to do with a book or series, so why bother?”

Thanks to the teens at the Palatine Public Library in Palatine, IL for their time and insight! And next time you want to know what's really going on, just Ask A Teen!



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