Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Most Awesome Endeavor

So, if you didn’t already know. Today is the launch of the most awesomesauce Emily ‘s (you all know her as Miss Monday) new project, Dear Teen Me.  She and Miranda (Girl Friday) have started this amazing website where authors are writing letters to their teen selves.  This is going to be an amazing project, and I think it will be really popular.
One of the great things about reading the letters is I think most people will see it the difficulties of being a teenager have little to do with the year or the person.  Adolescence (I hate that word, it’s so high school principal) is a rough time for all of us, and even if our problems are not all the same (anyone else who had to deal with being the only black kid in the entire high school, raise your hand), how we respond to them and how they change us is similar.
I look forward to reading everyone’s letters.  In fact, why are you still here? Go!


E. Kristin Anderson said...

Thanks for the props, Justina! Can't wait to read your letter.

And you're so right -- the issues we deal with as teens cross all kinds of boundaries...generations, races, cultures. I think part of what makes this project cool is the fact that we get to relate to each other and see how we are different...but also how we are all so very, very the same!

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